Sunday, May 18, 2008

Decoration and dinner on the ground

Today was decoration day at the church of my childhood. It isn't far from where I live so I didn't have to travel. But, relatives come from near and far to decoration. My last aunt, nearing mid 80's, came from Miss. with her whole clan. And I took my mother. They are the last two left out of 7 kids. It was great to take pictures of them together. They don't get to see each other too often, which might be a good thing, or not?? Where else but in the south do we take a picnic to the cemetary??
Sad note,,, it was also decoration at the cemetary where my dad is buried. That cemetary is close to where I work and we were going to Trussville today so we stopped by the cem. There was no flowers or anyone there to visit with at his family graves. Someone had put flags on his grave (he was a WWII vet). But, what a difference the two places were. One was like a get-together and the other like long -forgotton graves. I guess it is bec. we always went to dec. with mother and not with dad. although I do remember going with him on the Sat. before to clean the graves but never to the actual dec. day. Huh?

1 comment:

Tiffani said...

I had never heard of decoration until a few years ago. One of my friends decorates her dad's grave.