Thursday, August 7, 2008

Last day of summer vacation

It is sad to think that today is my last day of vacation. I went to the school to work in my room the last two days bec. I knew that I wanted to be home on my last day. I got up and made Gray his fav. breakfast..pancakes. I took a picture of Zac driving (by himself!!!) to band practice. I can't believe that I have a driver for a kid. And now I am going to turn on Magnum and clean the kitchen. My plans for the rest of the day are to eat at my fav. lunch buffet, go grocery shopping, take a load to the goodwill box and a load to the church daycare, and then to visit with my mother, and cook supper. Tonight I am going to load up my car with stuff going back to the classroom so that I can sleep as late as possible tom. morning. I am just glad that I don't work at a system that started today.

POWER TO THE S.O.S. (save our summer group)

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