Saturday, May 23, 2009

I can't do this!!!

No one told me how hard it was going to be as a parent of a teenage girl. Being the parent isn't the hard part but being a good one is. It is such a balancing act, I can't be too permissive but I can't be too strict. According to Autumn I am the strictest parent ever. The problem for Autumn is having a dad with the type of job he has. He just knows too much about teenagers. She wrote me the nicest Mother's Day card about how she really did understand why I am so careful about what she gets to do and how that shows that I really love her. But, when she is wanting to do something that "all" the other kids are doing and I won't let her do it, she forgets about the "love" part. I don't want her to be "different" but, I just feel that some parents are just too permissive. I know my parents were too permissive and there were many times that I was in some bad and even dangerous situations. Maybe that is why I am strict about what she does. I know how easy it is for something bad to happen.

I want my little girl back that played with Polly Pockets.

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