Sunday, March 8, 2009

hit rock bottom

Well, I have hit rock bottom (or rather my bottom looks like something hit it). I have decided I will rejoin Weight Watchers after Spring Break IF I can prove to myself that I won't be wasting the money. I have been known to join and never do anything with it and it charges $20 each month. So, to prove to myself that I am "worthy" of spending the $20 each month, I am going to faithfully walk on the treadmill 5 out of 7 days each week. So far I have walked three days in a row.

Date: 3/8/09
Weight: 166.0 lbs.
Walk: 1 mile in 23 min. at apx. 3.0 mph

The next goal is to drink water and then to drastically reduce soft drink consumption.

Good luck to me on my journey.

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