Thursday, March 12, 2009

NOW I've hit rock bottom

I ran in Penny's to get a pair of jeans bec. I have noticed it is difficult to BREATH in my clothes.

So, I thought,"ok, I'll get a size up." No biggey.. I've been there before. NO, NO, NO, I had to get TWO sizes up. I told David, "It must be the manufacturers. They are making them smaller now." But, I know the truth...

I came home (from the Mex. rest., no doubt) very unsettled about all of this.

I got up this morning with more resolve. I wanted to sleep a little later but I made myself get up and get some water and get on the treadmill.

Water: 1 glass
Walk: 1 mile in 20 min (jog two-tenths)
weight: 162.6 lb

1 comment:

Tiffani said...

Way to go! Keep it up!